My Halloween Treat Giveaway with PMS!

I’m so sorry for not fulfilling my pinky promise last night of publishing this giveaway. It was my last day of final exams for Financial Accounting 2 and Cost Accounting 1 yesterday so I was in dire need to blow off some steam. After exams, my boyfriend took me out and we had dinner at… Continue reading My Halloween Treat Giveaway with PMS!

reginecelinaaa x Passion Meets Style [CLOSED]

How’s your weekend going so far? Mine’s pretty great. Boyfriend and I are going to watch the Phantom of the Opera later on tonight! I’m so stoked! Since it’s only two days and a half before my first blogoversary, here’s the fifth and last part of my first blogoversary giveaway! 🙂

reginecelinaaa x Kookie Kpop OLS: Big Bang [CLOSED]

Ready for the third part of my first bloggerversary giveaway?! 😀 I was supposed to publish this last night but due to the UP event I attended, I had no time to do so. I’ll be writing about that UP event I went to so keep posted! Anyways, here’s the third part of my first… Continue reading reginecelinaaa x Kookie Kpop OLS: Big Bang [CLOSED]