Polaroid It Up With Gadgets Buddy!


Rainyyyy Manic Monday, isn’t it? Best part, CLASSES ARE SUSPENDED FOR TODAYYY! ๐Ÿ˜€ Since I now have more free time on my hands, I will present this blog post about instant cameras and the wonderful shops that gave them to me~ ๐Ÿ™‚

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (9)

Lo and behold, the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8! ๐Ÿ˜€
fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (12)This was actually a gift to me from a very special sponsor. I’m so grateful. The color white of my instax camera compliments the black on my DSLR, Buzz. It sort of has this Yin & Yang thing going on now. So kilig! Thank you, thank you!! โค I’ve always wanted one of these toy cameras since the time Alexis told me about her Instax Mini 7S which was like 2 years ago, I think. Yes, like I said Alexis Badenhop Valenzona has a huge influence on me. *whispers* I’m actually her number one fangirl. Shh~

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (29)

Before I go about telling you of this wonderful shop that gave this to me, I’ll first fill you in on the down lows of this instant camera.ย First of, it’s the latest model of the Fujifilm Instax Mini series which was released at the beginning of this year. Before this was the Instax Mini 7/7S which was the wider, heavier version of what I have now.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (17)The Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 is pretty much devoid of controls. It’s mostly targeted for point & shoot users that just want to get their fun, little print immediately. This camera features the shutter release on the grip, a flash, and a collapsible lens.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (30)

To operate, you simply press that lens button on the side and the lens pops out. The camera takes about five seconds to load itself. After which you’ll see that LED light whichย advises the right exposure setting for you. I find it quite clever how the camera preselects the setting for you, but it’ll still be up to you which one to rotate to and use.

To close, you simply push the lens back down to its normal state and that’s pretty much it.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (28)After you have set your exposure right and click the shutter button, a successful photo will print out from the top slit of the camera and will be done processing in about 10 seconds. Oh, and the flash fires at all times regardless of the lighting condition.

Hint: A friend said that if you keep your film tucked in a warm place, like let’s say your armpit or something, it brings out the better color of the films. I’ve tried it and I guess I can say it works. LOL. It’s up to you if you wanna go ahead and try it. If you’re not ashamed to, that is. ๐Ÿ˜‰

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (25)

So here, we have the back side of the camera. As you can see, you have the improved viewfinder and the slot where it provides a nice grip. You also have your instax mini film loading tray to change the films pack. To change films is easy. You just slightly pull down the thingymabob over there at the top-center of the loading tray to reveal the inside. Warning: NEVER OPEN IT WHILE YOU STILL HAVE FILMS INSIDE, else you overexpose all your remaining films and they’ll become useless after that point. It’s a lesson learned, lol. Sorry, Weeza ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

That little circle over there with the number tells you of the remaining films you have left. The countdown always start at 10 and goes down as you take pictures. The little circle near the top-center thingymabobย just reveals whether you have a pack of films inside or not.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (27)

Situated at the right side panel of the camera, you will find your battery ports whichย utilizes two AA batteries as its power source. That’s two AA batteries less than what the Instax Mini 7/7S uses.

Unlike a traditional Polaroid camera, this one-pound Instax Mini 8 is held vertically. The matte plastic finish is good for keeping some finger grease off, adding a nice grip to when youโ€™re peeking into the tiny viewfinder. There is no autofocus here and what you see in the viewfinder will be somewhat different from the actual photo. It’s not digicam after all. However, focusing won’t be much of a problem since this camera can focus anywhere from 2 feet onwards. In addition, itsย optical viewfinder already comes with integrated target spot which is available for better image composition.

The device boasts a range of 2 to 8 feet, but your main object should be no more than three feet in front of the camera for maximum quality. Another lesson learned the hard way.
fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (31)

With my package, this close up lens was included as well as that strap other there. Aaaand a free pack of 10 film sheets, plus two AA batteries. Oh oh, and Japanese Green Tea Kitkats! Hihi, thank you, thank you, thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

So now, you’re probably wondering where I got this adorable little thing from. Well, my beloved readers, I got it from Gadgets Buddy. A Facebook online shop I’ve discovered on the interwebz on one lazy day. Score!

And I’d like to thank Gadgets Buddy for these Fujifilm Instax Mini 8. My sisters and I now each have our own instant cameras! Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜€fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (2)

Available in an array of candy colors, my unit came in classic white while the ones for my sisters are in pastel pink and blue. So adorbz~ The two remaining colors are pastel yellow and matte black. I actually thought of getting the black so it’d be matching with my DLSR but Gadgets Buddy got me the white one and I just can’t complain since it’s so cute~fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (5)

At the malls or even some online stores, these cameras sell for 4,200 to almost 5,000PhP. Gadgets Buddy have the cheapest price for it for only 3,800PhP. That already includes the free pack of 10 film sheets and two Japanese Green Tea Kitkats ๐Ÿ™‚ No way you can find these remarkable prices elsewhere. Trust me, I’ve searched far and wide.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (7)

The only downside of Gadgets Buddy’s purchasing system is that it takes about a month or so (sometimes due to unforeseeable events) before you can get your hands on them as all, or most, of their items are on a pre-order basis. However, to make up for the long wait, their transaction is pretty fast and they’re very reliable and accommodating. They make these adorable goodies affordable too. So you should definitely start ordering from them.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (15)

The next relevant question to answer is:ย Should I get it?ย ๐Ÿ˜

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (18)

Well… If you, my beloved readers, have no issues with money, then I definitely suggest on getting your hands on one of these cute toy cameras. I carry mine pretty much everywhere so I can take priceless picture moments any time, any where. With it’s light built, it’s pretty portable. ๐Ÿ™‚

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (21)

Of course, these Polaroidย cameras wouldn’t be anything without its films. The Fujifilm Instax Mini series print out credit card-sized photos with an exactย 86 x 54mm measurement. It makes it easy to put in your wallet or post it on walls and such. ๐Ÿ™‚

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (33)

Taking pictures with these toy cameras must be done in well thought of situations as you wouldn’t want to waste any films. Why? It’s because the films are expensive!

At the mall or some online shops, plain films cost about 350PhP (in one of the cheapest online shops before I found out about Gadgets Buddy) to 450PhP (at the Fujifilm store and other stores I saw at malls). While the designed films, like that rainbow film I have over there, cost about 499 to 600PhP in both online stores and the physical stores I saw at malls. Yup, I’ve done my research. Best part of it is me telling you how awesome the prices are at Gadgets Buddy: plain films are for 250 to 260PhP and designed films are for 350 to 400PhP only! Insane, right? You will definitely never find better prices than these. Trust me.

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (37)

Oh, another awesome thing about Gadgets Buddy is that they offer this 10×5 films pack for only 1,300PhP! That’s 5 sets of a 10 film sheets pack. That makes 50 films. Mathematically, that makes 260PhP per pack. Awesome, right???

fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (38)

I’d also like to thank Instaxloco for these twin pack films. ๐Ÿ™‚ They’re another Facebook online shop that I discovered with decently cheap prices. Take these twin pack films they sent me for instance, it costs about 840PhP at the mall while Instaxloco sells it for only 630PhP. They used to sell it for 700PhP and made further price reductions. Cool, noh? ๐Ÿ™‚fujifilm instax mini 8 Gadgets Buddy on reginecelinaaa Celine Mamangon (39)

Instaxloco often have a lot of on hand products so you don’t have to wait that long. They ship your films right away. They provide a very smooth and fast transaction. You can also check out Instaxloco on Sulit by clicking here. Give them lots of positive feedback, mkay?Thank you again, Instaxloco! ๐Ÿ™‚

There you have it, my beloved readers. My full depth review on the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 and the two wonderful online shops that I’ve discovered and grown to love. Well, I’ve taken too much of your time already so I’ll let you skedaddle to do more something productive despite our lazy, bed weather here in Manila today. Plus, I need to revise my thesis ๐Ÿ˜ lol~

Always keep safe and warm, my beloved readers! โค

OH OH!!! Before I forget, stay tuned for a Fujifilm Instax Mini giveaway next month for my 2nd blogoversary and another giveaway hopefully by next week granted that I have enough time for it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Once again, thank you to my awesome, awesome sponsors! ๐Ÿ˜€ So grateful!love-lots-celine-green

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